These photos were shot with medium-format- and digital lenses mounted to a Sinar P with just together adapters. For quality and perspective comparison we also used a Canon 90/2.8 Tilt-Shift-Lens - directly mounted to the SLR, of course.

You can download all the images here (21,9 MB). We recommend you do a side-by-side comparison in Photoshop or similar.

All photographs where shot with a Canon EOS 5D in default mode. No additional sharpening applied.

This page will give you an impresson of the outstanding optical quality of  just together compatible lenses.

Flawless optical results

Mamiya Sekor Z 110/2.8,
Sinar P, EOS 5D,
35mm Shift, F=11
  (3,5 MB)

Rodenstock Apo Sironar digital 105/5.6,
Sinar P, EOS 5D,
35mm Shift, F=11
  (3,67 MB)

For Comparison:
Canon TS 90/2.8, EOS 5D, 11mm Shift (Maximum), F=11

Download  (4 MB)

Zeiss Planar T 100/3.5, Sinar P, EOS 5D, slight scheimpflug, F=8
Download  (6 MB)